Objectives, no matter it is big or small, it is crucial in your strategic activities and planning process.
Unfortunately, it is always not easy to achieve your objectives that you set. To avoid forming objectives carelessly or wrongly, you may need to use the “S.M.A.R.T” way! S.M.A.R.T objectives are highly motivating and can give a sense of focus and purpose.
Just a little bit of recap, in the previous blog, we have discussed about CIMB Foundation’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) campaign.
CIMB Foundation started to collaborate with Junior Cycling Malaysia (JCM) for a period of three years, to work on a programme – CIMB-JCM Junior Development Programme. This programme is launched to discover and nurture cyclist as young as seven to become elite cyclists in Malaysia.
This programme first started in January 2018. There are bicycle racing in several states and cycling clinics organised in schools for this campaign. In states bicycle racing events, it has successfully attracted 7000 young cyclists to join. Also, they managed to discover around 50 talented young cyclists from both clinics and bicycle racing and started nurturing them.
So, based on CIMB-JCM Junior Development Programme, I have come out with a brief PR plan for this campaign. Let's take a look!
Professional Academy (n.d.) WHAT ARE SMART OBJECTIVES AND HOW DO I APPLY THEM? Available at: < https://www.professionalacademy.com/blogs-and-advice/what-are-smart-objectives-and-how-do-i-apply-them> [Accessed 20 October 2018].